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How to use a AliExpress Coupon Code

To use these Aliexpress coupons (if required) are so easy, you just need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit the site of “AliExpress” and select your desired category
  2. Scroll through the list and choose your favorite item from the list
  3. Go through the product’s description and add the item to your cart
  4. Click on “Cart” icon and proceed further with login details
  5. Once you add your required items on your cart proceed to checkout and box appears mentioned above.
  6. You can add coupon and enjoy your savings.

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Unique features of AliExpress

Free Shipping: Customers can enjoy free of cost shipping of their order from this store Free shipping on these products is also valid on international shipping. There is no division of products under free shipping; it is available on almost every order.

New Users: AliExpress has a separate category for shoppers who are new to the website that has numerous choices aligned. They are also provided with a coupon code which is valid on every product at the store and it has items for first time orders like earphones, smart watches, and few more.

AliExpress Live: It is a video shopping service started out recently by AliExpress. Under this, an individual can learn about an item through video rather than pictures and texts. At AliExpress Live one can choose, pick, and buy products instantly according to their convenience. The videos run on a schedule which is date wise, they can see the date for a particular product beforehand. Below the schedule older clips are also given in case a customer wants to check out.