May 2021

Common types of Web Hosting

If you want to have a website that can be accessed from anywhere all over the world, you will need to purchase the services of a good web hosting company. However, there is more than one type of web hosting and you should choose the type which is most suitable for your needs. Hosting can...

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Brief Analysis of Cell Phone Radiation

The effect mobile phone radiation has on human health is the subject of recent interest and study, as a result of the enormous increase in mobile phone usage throughout the world. Electromagnetic radiation is one type of radiation which is generally produced by the cell phones. For the...

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Brief Analysis of Cell Phone Radiation

The effect mobile phone radiation has on human health is the subject of recent interest and study, as a result of the enormous increase in mobile phone usage throughout the world. Electromagnetic radiation is one type of radiation which is generally produced by the cell phones. For the...

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